When is the best time of year to jump?
Some solo jumpers tracking towards a summer landscape
Sure, it is beautiful in summer. To be able to jump in shorts and a t-shirt is a privilege that really genuinely doesn’t exist in many other countries around the world. It is always a little cooler up top and in summer, when it is 40 degrees on the ground, popping open the aircraft door at 15,000ft gives you this amazing rush of cool air which invigorates the soul. If you have a soul. The freefall isn’t cold, but refreshing as you fall through the layers of different temperatures on your way back to earth. Sweet glorious magnificence. Skydiving is such a beautiful experience - life affirming and wonderful, and to do it on a perfect day is pretty damn magical.
Dylan and Instructor Mike taking in the winter gloriousness
The skies are tumultuous - greys and blacks! The sea showing its incredible power and unforgivingness! Yes, it is cold! Brave the cold! Brave the jump! You are a legend! Who but dares jump in such weather? You, friend! You mighty, legendary friend who knows no fear and bends the world to your will!
Beautiful autumn conditions for Dave and Instructor Mike
The landscape is a vibrant green, the air clear and crisp, the cooler air is smooth to fly in and the ground soft as we slid along it for landing. The ocean blues are bluer, the shadows longer and the amazing sunsets sooner. It might be a little colder, maybe you have to wear a hoodie rather than just a t-shirt, but the cold air wakes you up and enlivens your senses to the moment.
Hooray for skydiving!
La primavera!
Words and actual photo coming soon!
….probably in Spring.